I Ching Hexagram 10 LÜ

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Lines Number Title Name
i ching hexagram 1 1 CH'IEN The Creative
i ching hexagram 2 2 K'UN The Receptive
i ching hexagram 3 3 CHUN Difficulty at the Beginning
i ching hexagram 4 4 MÊNG Youthful Folly
i ching hexagram 5 5 HSÜ Waiting (Nourishment)
i ching hexagram 6 6 SUNG Conflict
i ching hexagram 7 7 SHIH The Army
i ching hexagram 8 8 PI Holding Together
i ching hexagram 9 9 HSIAO CH'U The Taming Power of the Small
i ching hexagram 10 10 Treading (Conduct)
i ching hexagram 11 11 TAI Peace
i ching hexagram 12 12 P'I Standstill (Stagnation)
i ching hexagram 13 13 T'UNG JÊN Fellowship with others
i ching hexagram 14 14 TA YU Possession in Great Measure
i ching hexagram 15 15 CH'IEN Modesty
i ching hexagram 16 16 Enthusiasm
i ching hexagram 17 17 SUI Following
i ching hexagram 18 18 KU Work on What Has Been Spoiled (Decay)
i ching hexagram 19 19 LIN Approach
i ching hexagram 20 20 KUAN Contemplation
i ching hexagram 21 21 SHIH HO Biting Through
i ching hexagram 22 22 PI Grace
i ching hexagram 23 23 PO Splitting Apart
i ching hexagram 24 24 FU Return
i ching hexagram 25 25 WU WANG Innocence
i ching hexagram 26 26 TA CH'U The Taming Power of the Great
i ching hexagram 27 27 I Providing Nourishment
i ching hexagram 28 28 TA KUO Preponderance of the Great
i ching hexagram 29 29 K'AN The Abysmal (Water)
i ching hexagram 30 30 LI The Clinging Fire
i ching hexagram 31 31 HSIEN Influence
i ching hexagram 32 32 HÊNG Duration
i ching hexagram 33 33 TUN Retreat
i ching hexagram 34 34 TA CHUANG The Power of the Great
i ching hexagram 35 35 CHIN Progress
i ching hexagram 36 36 MING I Darkening of the Light
i ching hexagram 37 37 CHIA JÊN The Family
i ching hexagram 38 38 K'UEI Opposition
i ching hexagram 39 39 CHIEN Obstruction
i ching hexagram 40 40 HSIEH Deliverance
i ching hexagram 41 41 SUN Decrease
i ching hexagram 42 42 I Increase
i ching hexagram 43 43 KUAI Breakthrough (Resoluteness)
i ching hexagram 44 44 KOU Coming to Meet
i ching hexagram 45 45 TS'UI Gathering Together
i ching hexagram 46 46 SHÊNG Pushing Upward
i ching hexagram 47 47 K'UN Oppression (Exhaustion)
i ching hexagram 48 48 CHING The Well
i ching hexagram 49 49 KO Revolution
i ching hexagram 50 50 TING The Cauldron
i ching hexagram 51 51 CHÊN The Arousing (Shock)
i ching hexagram 52 52 KÊN Keeping Still
i ching hexagram 53 53 CHIEN Gradual Progress
i ching hexagram 54 54 KUEI MEI The Marrying Maiden
i ching hexagram 55 55 FÊNG Abundance
i ching hexagram 56 56 The Wanderer
i ching hexagram 57 57 SUN The Gentle
i ching hexagram 58 58 TUI The Joyous, Lake
i ching hexagram 59 59 HUAN Dispersion
i ching hexagram 60 60 CHIEH Limitation
i ching hexagram 61 61 CHUNG FU Inner Truth
i ching hexagram 62 62 HSIAO KUO Preponderance of the Small
i ching hexagram 63 63 CHI CHI After Completion
i ching hexagram 64 64 WEI CHI Before Completion
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  6. Access all the I Ching Hexagrams 1 to 64
  7. Buy the book, Embracing Life’s Journey Your Guide to Personal Growth with the I Ching
  8. Little Panda Learns the Tao: Stories of Nature’s Balance. Download on Amazon

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