I Ching Hexagram 1

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Consult the I Ching 1 - hexagram 1 The Creative

I Ching Hexagram 3 - The Creative

If you keep your senses open to the dynamic and creative forces of the universe, you will be rewarded with good fortune in the present moment. Represents the active movement of change and the attainment of a cosmic perspective.


The title of this hexagram is 'The Creative', representing the Yang principle's full and active power in its original state before the Yin principle has modified it. The Judgment for this hexagram is: 'The Creative works sublime success, Furthering through perseverance.'


The hexagram of Ch'ien symbolises the powerful force of creation and the potential for growth, progress, and success. It represents the beginning of new projects and ventures and advises the querent to be persistent, hard working, and mindful of potential obstacles. Ch'ien represents the yang principle of ethereal heaven and the male principle in cosmology. It is associated with the sun, the light-giving force that illuminates the earth. The I Ching associates Ch'ien with the Sage, who rules through insight and inner truth, and as the Cosmic Father, seeks the best for all. In the I Ching cosmology, humans stand between heaven and earth and must not disregard the Heaven Principle. It is our destiny to cultivate our heaven potential, known as the Superior Man, which exists as a divine image or blueprint in the deity's mind. When an individual develops their heaven nature, they shine like the sun. They are conscious of what is excellent within themselves and unwilling to sacrifice their values and principles. They maintain inner independence and detachment and constantly seek to be responsive to the will of heaven. They create respect for reticence, tolerance, and love for truth in others. They are tolerant of those who have not yet developed themselves. Ch'ien also represents the creative idea before it transforms into reality and the hidden potential within any situation. The path that, if taken, will benefit everyone and bring about growth and progress. Overall, Ch'ien is an important reminder to stay true to oneself and the higher reality and to be aware of the potential for growth and success in every situation.

The Sage

Cultivate humility, maintain a receptive attitude, and stay true to oneself. It is essential to be grounded in one's inner strength, stay connected to one's inner wisdom and intuition, and cultivate a sense of trust and surrender to the natural flow of life. Additionally, one should be aware of one's limitations, focus on being present, and be flexible in one's thinking or actions. The I Ching advises persevering through adversity with humility, focus and inner guidance and remaining open to learning and growing from one's experiences. The key is staying true to oneself and following one's inner truth.

Line 1

Hidden dragon in the darkness. Refrain from acting prematurely. There are hidden elements in our situation that are currently beyond our understanding. To act now would be like walking in the blackest night past a dangerous place without light. We should wait for the light of the Creative to emerge and for the hidden elements to become visible, remaining patient until the time is ripe.

Line 2

The dragon emerges from the shadows. It is beneficial to seek the guidance of the wise. The 'great man' submits to the will of the higher power, heeding the advice of the Sage and trusting in the natural order of things. He overcomes his desires and promotes the aspirations of others. By cultivating a cosmic perspective, one can gain the strength to lead by example rather than force. The 'dragon appears in the field' when we influence others through our actions and attitudes. However, as we strive to maintain this way of being, it is essential to remain humble and not be driven by the need for recognition or control.

Line 3

The superior man is always active in his pursuits, but his mind is still filled with worries at nightfall. It's a time of danger, yet there is no blame to be placed. True creativity is born from an unstructured and open mindset, but the ambitious ego often tries to force progress through plotting and planning. It is crucial to be aware of these moments and to avoid falling into the trap of believing that we know the right path of action. Instead, we should remain adaptable and let events unfold without losing our sense of balance. Ambition can lead to the destruction of our integrity and principles, but by staying true to ourselves and following our inner truth, we can win the hearts of others and find true success. Giving up ambition allows for freedom of action but is not an excuse for reckless behaviour. Let your inner power guide you towards what is right and true, and avoid becoming too focused on achieving the desired outcome.

Line 4

The fourth line speaks of a moment of uncertainty, where one may question their chosen path. It reminds us to trust our will to move forward and avoid dwelling on potential obstacles. It also touches on inner agreements or plans that may limit our ability to act in the moment. It advises us to let go of these preconceptions and to be open to the guidance of the Creative, as it holds the key to unlocking hidden opportunities for progress and growth. The line encourages us to keep a clear and alert mind and to trust in the power of the Creative to guide us to success.

Line 5

The dragon takes flight in the heavens. It is a sign of progress and success. As we remain aligned with the principles of the creative force, our influence on those around us becomes natural and effortless, like the great man who guides and inspires others without conscious intention.

Line 6

The arrogance of ignoring warnings and pushing forward leads to regret. Stay humble and genuine to the inner truth of a situation to avoid conflicts and maintain balance. The ways of the Sage must be followed to prevent downfall and isolation. Combined with decisive strength and gentle actions bring good fortune and align with the natural order. Arrogance disrupts the balance and leads to negative consequences.

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Lines Number Title Name
i ching hexagram 1 1 CH'IEN The Creative
i ching hexagram 2 2 K'UN The Receptive
i ching hexagram 3 3 CHUN Difficulty at the Beginning
i ching hexagram 4 4 MÊNG Youthful Folly
i ching hexagram 5 5 HSÜ Waiting (Nourishment)
i ching hexagram 6 6 SUNG Conflict
i ching hexagram 7 7 SHIH The Army
i ching hexagram 8 8 PI Holding Together
i ching hexagram 9 9 HSIAO CH'U The Taming Power of the Small
i ching hexagram 10 10 Treading (Conduct)
i ching hexagram 11 11 TAI Peace
i ching hexagram 12 12 P'I Standstill (Stagnation)
i ching hexagram 13 13 T'UNG JÊN Fellowship with others
i ching hexagram 14 14 TA YU Possession in Great Measure
i ching hexagram 15 15 CH'IEN Modesty
i ching hexagram 16 16 Enthusiasm
i ching hexagram 17 17 SUI Following
i ching hexagram 18 18 KU Work on What Has Been Spoiled (Decay)
i ching hexagram 19 19 LIN Approach
i ching hexagram 20 20 KUAN Contemplation
i ching hexagram 21 21 SHIH HO Biting Through
i ching hexagram 22 22 PI Grace
i ching hexagram 23 23 PO Splitting Apart
i ching hexagram 24 24 FU Return
i ching hexagram 25 25 WU WANG Innocence
i ching hexagram 26 26 TA CH'U The Taming Power of the Great
i ching hexagram 27 27 I Providing Nourishment
i ching hexagram 28 28 TA KUO Preponderance of the Great
i ching hexagram 29 29 K'AN The Abysmal (Water)
i ching hexagram 30 30 LI The Clinging Fire
i ching hexagram 31 31 HSIEN Influence
i ching hexagram 32 32 HÊNG Duration
i ching hexagram 33 33 TUN Retreat
i ching hexagram 34 34 TA CHUANG The Power of the Great
i ching hexagram 35 35 CHIN Progress
i ching hexagram 36 36 MING I Darkening of the Light
i ching hexagram 37 37 CHIA JÊN The Family
i ching hexagram 38 38 K'UEI Opposition
i ching hexagram 39 39 CHIEN Obstruction
i ching hexagram 40 40 HSIEH Deliverance
i ching hexagram 41 41 SUN Decrease
i ching hexagram 42 42 I Increase
i ching hexagram 43 43 KUAI Breakthrough (Resoluteness)
i ching hexagram 44 44 KOU Coming to Meet
i ching hexagram 45 45 TS'UI Gathering Together
i ching hexagram 46 46 SHÊNG Pushing Upward
i ching hexagram 47 47 K'UN Oppression (Exhaustion)
i ching hexagram 48 48 CHING The Well
i ching hexagram 49 49 KO Revolution
i ching hexagram 50 50 TING The Cauldron
i ching hexagram 51 51 CHÊN The Arousing (Shock)
i ching hexagram 52 52 KÊN Keeping Still
i ching hexagram 53 53 CHIEN Gradual Progress
i ching hexagram 54 54 KUEI MEI The Marrying Maiden
i ching hexagram 55 55 FÊNG Abundance
i ching hexagram 56 56 The Wanderer
i ching hexagram 57 57 SUN The Gentle
i ching hexagram 58 58 TUI The Joyous, Lake
i ching hexagram 59 59 HUAN Dispersion
i ching hexagram 60 60 CHIEH Limitation
i ching hexagram 61 61 CHUNG FU Inner Truth
i ching hexagram 62 62 HSIAO KUO Preponderance of the Small
i ching hexagram 63 63 CHI CHI After Completion
i ching hexagram 64 64 WEI CHI Before Completion
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  6. Access all the I Ching Hexagrams 1 to 64
  7. Buy the book, Embracing Life’s Journey Your Guide to Personal Growth with the I Ching
  8. Little Panda Learns the Tao: Stories of Nature’s Balance. Download on Amazon

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